Like any industry, there are common misconceptions out there about the solar industry. Below are my top five. If you have a question about solar send it to our contact page, and if it turns out to be a misconception, I might just add it to the list!
- Solar doesn’t work in Winter. Sometimes people think that colder weather means their solar system will be less efficient, however the temperature doesn’t make a difference. Solar is generally less efficient in Winter, but this is because there is less sun. It is however important to consider where you’re located. In Queensland we are lucky to have sun most days of the year, so we aren’t affected as much. The angle of the panels also comes into play. We install the panels at an angle where they will capture the most amount of sunlight possible, in turn producing as much energy as they can.
- Solar panels are toxic and bad for the environment. Until around 2010, obsolete thin-film or ‘amorphous’ solar panels were sold, which had traces of cadmium (which is toxic). However the only way the very miniscule amount of cadmium can escape is if the panels are broken up into small pieces. In the next decade or two, many solar panels will start to reach the end of their lifespan. Another misunderstanding is that solar panels can’t be recycled and are therefore bad for the environment. This is simply not true. There are many companies in QLD that recycle old or damaged solar panels, and we can recommend one close to you.
- Solar panels won’t pay for themselves. While solar systems are costly to install initially, you will find a return on investment. Analysis from shows that depending on where you live, you may be able to save up to $1,500 per year off your power bills. The analysis also found that you will be looking at around 3-6 years for your solar setup to pay for itself. At Cardinal Solar our systems are an investment, and we offer long term warranties on panels and inverters (15-25-years). We carefully source and only use brands that we believe will be in business for the lifetime of the product warranty and that honour claims.
- Solar panels don’t work when it’s cloudy or raining. This is a similar myth to solar panels not working in Winter. When it’s cloudy or raining they still work, but production is less because there aren’t as many particles of light reaching the panels. However, due to high electricity costs and the added incentive of rebates, solar still works out as very worth it — even if you live in a cloudier environment. Research has shown that on a cloudy day panels will generate anywhere from 10% – 45% of the energy they would on a sunny day. According to LG, on rainy days solar has about 20% of ideal day performance.
- Solar panels use more energy to create than they produce. A common myth is that solar panels take more energy to produce, transport and install, than the energy they generate. Yes, it does take energy for factories to build solar panels, trucks to deliver the equipment and the panels to be installed. However, solar panels generate much more energy than what is used to create them. The energy used to create and transport a product is called the ‘embodied energy’. A typical solar panel will repay its embodied energy in up to four years.